Calera Gymnasium & Classrooms

Calera Public Schools

13,500 sqft
$2.5 Million

Calera Clout

TriArch designs a new varsity gym and classroom building after helping the school district pass their bond.

Calera Public Schools hired TriArch to design a new gym facility that replaced their original gym built in the 1950's. The new gym seats 750 people, has a large lobby and concession area, a hospitality room, and 3 large classrooms. TriArch helped the school pass their first bond in years with your PassYourBond™ program. We assessed the needs, interviewed stakeholders, created animations and renderings, and communicated the tax implications to the district through online video. The bond passed by a large margin, and the 13,500 sqft building was completed on time and on budget.

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